EDITOR & PUBLISHER Hector Cantú EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Beverly Brosius, Debbie Carlson, Reilly Clark, Tim Cottrill, Margaret Croft, Jessica DuBroc, Barry Sandoval, David Seideman, Pamela Wiggens Siegel, Greg Smith, David Stone ART & DESIGN ART DIRECTOR Mark Masat DESIGN Chris Britton, Wendie Goers, Lisa Jones, Jennifer Gregory, Jackie Avila PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Brenna Wilson PHOTOGRAPHY […]
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TO SPEAK WITH AN AUCTION SPECIALIST, CALL 800.872.6467 COMICS & COMIC ART HA.com/Comics Ed Jaster, Ext. 1288 EdJ@HA.com Lon Allen, Ext. 1261 LonA@HA.com Barry Sandoval, Ext. 1377 BarryS@HA.com Joe Mannarino, Ext. 1921 JoeM@HA.com Todd Hignite, Ext. 1790 ToddH@HA.com EUROPEAN COMIC ART Joe Mannarino, Ext. 1921 JoeM@HA.com Nadia Mannarino, Ext. 1937 NadiaM@HA.com Jacco Scheper JaccoS@HA.com Eric […]
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As World War II took hold in Europe, the economy of the United States – which didn’t enter the war until 1941 – was rebounding from the Great Depression. Franklin D. Roosevelt was reelected for his third term. In sports, Joe Louis defeated challengers in four separate fights to retain his heavyweight boxing title. Jimmy […]
Continue ReadingMisunderstanding Mintmarks
ONCE IGNORED, IMPORTANCE OF BRANCH MINT ISSUES NOW UNIVERSALLY RECOGNIZED By David Stone Most numismatists acknowledge the lack of interest collectors showed in branch mint issues before Augustus Heaton published his seminal treatise on mintmarks in 1893, but actually encountering it in print can still be disconcerting. The situation is much different today, where the […]
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